quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2007

Noite Portuguesa no Gymnaestrada 2007

Aqui vos deixo algumas fantásticas imagens dos verdadeiros "Cristianos Ronaldos" deste País desportivo....

Ontem foi a vez de Portugal apresentar a sua gala no maior acontecimento desportivo do Mundo no que à ginástica diz respeito.

Ver participação na integra =>http://www.wg2007.com/index2.php?lng=2
The Portuguese have captured the hearts of the audience
The Portuguese in their National Evening show at the World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn depicted a magnificent, lovingly painted picture of their country in all its diversity between the Atlantic, town, countryside and inhabitants, tradition, history and modern time. It was not the show of sensations, but a consequently realized concept where best trained gymnasts and imaginatively choreographed rhythmic gymnastics had the say, trimmed up with first class interludes in noble, tasteful and always elegant costumes.
The twelve chapters of their programme, which had been introduced in a folder distributed prior to the show, were projected onto a video wall, beautiful photos of the country accompanied the performance. Large portraits of acting gymnasts allowed an emotional approach. There were vivid and unforgettable illustrations, like the exercise resembling ships boys during the time of Portugals maritime power; or an enchantingly dressed group giving the impression of emerging right from The Thousand and One Nights fairytale and reminding us of the Arabian influence of times past - and casually spread in lifting figures and elegant jumps. Full of empathy also the interplay of music and motion! There is no clear cut between folklore dance, ballet, modern dance and hard as rock rhytmic gymnastics.
Big effect with simple accessories
To depict people and their work, the Portuguese used accessories deliberately reduced down to an absolute minimum. It is amazing what you can do with simple strawhats. Chairs and tables of a restaurant changed into breathtaking gymnastic equipment. A group of girls created their own rhythm by clapping their hands -quite a relief when everywhere else you have to listen to the throbbing beat of sound equipment! Colourful silk cloths juggled with skill conjure up phantastic images. The vivid and chaotic life in the city turns into an incredibly fast show. The squad on five minitrampolines, with their breathtaking jumps drew thundering applause. There was world class acrobatics everywhere, double somersaults with screws, also synchronous, long-fly into incredible heights by three gymnasts jumping off simultaneousely, passing each other somehow ot the other in the air. A witty persiflage on the importance of men in their business suits and executive brief cases, fascinating also the abrupt change of style of a girls group, changing from rock to belcanto. Forever changing new impulses from different kind of music stimulate group dances, developing into small and big scenes, interwoven with delicately balancing figures and top class floor exercises. The audience is surprised again and again at very rarely seen interludes like for example the precisely timed domino-like fall of gymnasts.
No doubt, the Portuguese were a class of their own, and they seem to know this, at the end of their show they celebrated themselves, waving their national flag accompanied by the never ending applause of the enthusiastic audience.

3 comentários:

Desporto - Sucesso - Escola disse...

Não conhecendo o seu blog, encontrei-o pelo interesse (e pesquisa) na Gymnaestrada...
Muito interessante e pouco usual o reconhecimento aos portugueses que nos foram representar neste acontecimento mundial... num país de "Cristianos Ronaldos"...

A Professorinha disse...

Muito bonito!! Deve ter sido algo fantástico!!

Satri disse...

Boas tardes
Só um pequeno acrescento, num dizer seu "...Ontem foi a vez de Portugal apresentar a sua gala no maior acontecimento desportivo do Mundo no que à ginástica diz respeito..." e ao desporto em geral...
Isto pq não conheço nenhum evento desportivo a nivel mundial que reuna mais de 22.000 atletas e que em Portugal (2003) reuniu mais de 25.000 atletas.

Um Muito Obrigado pela publicação desta nossa participação na Gymnaestrada.


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